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Your October Horoscope Is Here — You’ll Need To Remember To Breathe

2023-09-27 19:48
October is here, bringing magnetic energy, strong winds of change, and energizing connections. As the month begins we are fresh off the heels of the Aries Full Moon, reminding us to tap into our warrior nature. If we’ve been playing it safe at work or in our relationships, we’ll start off the month ready to tackle our fears and embrace our gifts.
Your October Horoscope Is Here — You’ll Need To Remember To Breathe

October is here, bringing magnetic energy, strong winds of change, and energizing connections. As the month begins we are fresh off the heels of the Aries Full Moon, reminding us to tap into our warrior nature. If we’ve been playing it safe at work or in our relationships, we’ll start off the month ready to tackle our fears and embrace our gifts.

Mercury’s entrance into Libra on the 4th helps us be more compassionate and open-minded in our social lives, as well as professionally, and this could garner us exciting opportunities. Venus enters Virgo on the 8th, and on October 10, Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, ends its four month retrograde in Capricorn. This double-Earth energy provides us with grounded momentum, as Pluto’s shift direct reorients us toward our most pressing priorities, encouraging us us to roll up our sleeves and get to work — in a way that feels like play.

Mars, the Planet of Action, enters Scorpio — the sign that it rules — on October 12, making the next six weeks feel more passionate, sensual, and enigmatic than it’s felt all year. Eclipse season begins on the 14th with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra at 1:55 p.m. EST. Two weeks later, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus rounds out a two-year cycle of eclipses in the Taurus-Scorpio axis, marking the official end of an intense saga when it comes to learning how to release control.

With all these cosmic shifts happening within and occurring this month, the most important mission for us all is to remember to breathe.

Read your horoscopes for both your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.


Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, as the month begins, the Planet of Communication is in your opposite sign of Libra, indicating that you’re likely to be focused on your partnerships this month, particularly since a New Moon Solar Eclipse strikes in your marriage sector on October 14.

But before we get to that, Venus’ shift into Virgo on the 8th lights up your sector of health, wellness, and service. Something’s got to give in terms of where you’ve been placing your attention lately, and Venus in Virgo may initially make you feel uncomfortable, but it’ll help you focus on your priorities and make game-changing decisions that help you feel on track with your life purpose.

Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn on the 10th and Mars’ entrance into Scorpio on the 12th serve as further catalysts for reorganization and soul-centered decision-making. Keep a journal nearby around those dates, as you’re likely to experience one epiphany after another.

By the time the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus occurs on October 28, you may feel shaken up energetically, and your relationships may too. But one thing that’s likely to pleasantly surprise you is your relationship with money. You’re likely to confront your limiting beliefs and nip scarcity based thoughts in the bud as the month comes to an end, which helps you step into an abundant new reality.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, with your ruler Venus shifting out of Libra and entering Virgo on the 8th, you’ll be taking yourself and your relationships more seriously. Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn accentuates this need for you to have clarity and peace in your relationships. Libra Season is an ideal time for making amends and accepting apologies.

On the 12th, Mars enters Scorpio for six weeks, opposing your Taurus energy. You may feel a push and pull between remaining practical and allowing your sentimental side to take the lead. Your mission is to find an equilibrium, perhaps by practicing radical honesty with yourself and others.

The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse strikes on the 14th, marking the start of eclipse season. You may feel inspired to completely restructure your daily routine and health journey during this eclipse passion. Then on October 28, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in your sign — this is the final eclipse in your sign for over nine years, so you’re likely to experience a breakthrough when it comes to your self-development and enlightenment journey. By month’s end you’ll breathe a sigh of relief, because you made it through a two-year long chapter of intense metamorphosis.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, Mercury enters your fellow Air sign of Libra on October 4th, helping you ease your way into an astrologically-packed month. Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn activates your sector of outside resources and merging — during Pluto’s final stretch through Capricorn these next three months you may find yourself having to deal with sudden financial responsibilities such as managing an inheritance or will. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the responsibility, take it on as a worthy challenge.

Mars, the Planet of Action, enters Scorpio on the 12th, highlighting a need to reorient yourself toward sustainable health and wellness practices, mainly by trusting your intuition and listening to your body’s signals. If needed, find an accountability buddy to help you stay on track.

Eclipse season will take you for quite the ride, as the Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 14th shakes up your domestic sector, while the Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 28th triggers a deep need to get closure on a situation that left you deeply wounded (even if you’re doing a great job at masking those wounds). Prioritize your healing this month, Gemini, in whatever way you can. Your future self will thank you.

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, nothing about your life, or about yourself, will feel the same by the time this month ends. This is largely due to the fact that it’s eclipse season — which means we’ll be experiencing supercharged new moons and full moons. As a Water sign ruled by the moon, you’ll therefore feel the influences of eclipse season much more strongly than most. Eclipses bring unexpected, yet necessary, change.

Mars’ presence in Scorpio on the 12th ushers in passion and dynamic energy to your social and love life, which could lead to a serendipitous connection manifesting in your life these next six weeks. Be open to life’s plot twists this eclipse season, and let go of all expectations, as what you’re seeking may come in a different package than what you anticipated.

Eclipse season is bound to be an unpredictable time that tests you emotionally and spiritually. It can also be one of the most creatively fertile times of the year for you, so find a way to let your imagination lead you to places where your inner child feels healed, seen, and cared for, even amidst tumultuous change.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, take time to indulge in Venus’ final days in your sign. On the 8th it’ll enter Virgo, stimulating a need for order and clarity in your financial sector. This is an ideal month to make changes to the way you spend, invest, save, and make money. Simplifying your lifestyle and making sure you’re getting paid what you’re worth is a good start.

With Mars entering Scorpio on the 12th, your sector of home, the past, and your roots is activated for six weeks. This may be the time to unpack skeletons from your closet and get to the root of family drama that previously was left unaddressed. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but it’s best to clear the air sooner rather than later — if you avoid doing so, then eclipse season will do it for you.

The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 14th brings forth a fresh start and exciting opportunity when it comes to your creative realms and talents. Within the next six months a dream you’ve had since you were a child could become your reality. Two weeks later, the Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse serves as a reminder to take the slow and steady route to making those dreams come true, especially since Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, is still retrograde in Taurus. Do less, not more.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, on October 4 Mercury leaves your sign after an extended stay, and Venus enters your sign just a few days later, on October 8. In many ways, the cosmos is continuing to use your sign’s energy to teach you and your fellow beings key lessons about being present with oneself and others. Just make sure that you’re not being too tough on yourself during the Venus in Virgo transit, as it may amp up your perfectionism and your insecurities.

Fortunately, Mars’ entrance in Scorpio on October 12 helps you step into big boss energy for the next six weeks, especially when it comes to the way you communicate. If you previously were letting people get away with petty behavior simply because you didn’t want to rock the boat, you’re likely to be more than willing to rock the boat this month. That fierceness will serve as an energetic protection from people who underestimate you or take you for granted.

You may experience a financial breakthrough on the 14th (and the six months to follow) due to the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra stimulating your money sector. You’re likely to manifest several new revenue streams if you stay focused on the vision and open to new collaborations. Then on the 28th, the Taurus Lunar Eclipse Full Moon expands your horizons by connecting you with people or organizations from different walks of life. Stepping out of your comfort zone may initially feel scary, but it’ll ultimately catapult you to new heights.

Libra Sun & Rising:

It’s all about you this month, Libra! A phenomenal New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs in your sign on October 14, starting a fresh chapter in the eclipse series axis these next two years. Eclipses can be intense to navigate, but solar eclipses tend to be kinder than lunar eclipses, meaning you’re likely to experience your fair share of blessings this month, especially from unexpected people and places. Meditation will be your best friend this eclipse season, especially in the days directly before and after the Libra and Taurus eclipses.

Your planetary ruler Venus enters Virgo on the 8th, making you more introverted and meditative, particularly in your romantic partnerships. You may find yourself having higher standards and being more critical of yourself and others during the Venus in Virgo transit — try to be a peaceful observer rather than a skeptical over-reactor.

After a six-week transit through your sign, Mars enters Scorpio on the 12th, highlighting your sector of money and self-esteem. This is the time to brainstorm ways to boost your income by aligning your passions with your core values. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 28th brings you back down to Earth after a period of floating in la la land. It encourages you to end the month on a practical note, while also releasing the need to know what’s next, as lunar eclipses tend to close chapters and keep us in a bit of a limbo period before our next metamorphosis.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

We’ve made it to your birthday season, Scorpio! But before we get there, your planetary ruler Mars rounds out its six-week stay in Libra before entering your sign on October 12. Prepare to feel bursts of energy and passion coursing through you for the next month and a half — it’s up to you to make sure you direct that energy toward the appropriate outlets, and that you make the most of your planetary ruler being back in your sign. Get clear on what you really want and boldly ask for it, as it’s likely to come your way with greater ease these next two months, especially once your ruler Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 10.

October also marks the start of eclipse season, with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra striking on the 14th, followed by the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus taking place on the 28th. These two eclipses highlight your sectors of spirituality and marriage, so you may literally have to create some sort of bond or merging between your relationship with your spirituality and your relationship with others. If you’ve been pushing people away during your healing journey, by the time Scorpio Season begins on the 23rd you’re likely to feel ready to reconnect with people who had been patiently waiting for your return. You’ll celebrate your solar return in style, and in great company.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, this second month of Jupiter’s retrograde through Taurus may feel destabilizing, as it’s also eclipse season. Your sector of health, service, and routine is activated by both Jupiter and the Taurus Lunar Eclipse that’ll occur on October 28.

But before getting to that, Venus shifts out of Leo and into Virgo on the 8th, Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on the 10th, and Mars enters Scorpio on the 12th. These astrological transits light up your career sector, your money sector, and your spirituality sector, respectively. You may feel like you want to completely overhaul these aspects of your life, but it’s best to pace yourself.

The fact that these major cosmic changes are occurring in the first half of the month means you’re being asked to get organized in those areas of your life in order to make room for the refreshing waves of change getting ready to stimulate your consciousness once the Libra Solar Eclipse New Moon strikes on October 14. Make it your mission to lighten your load, spiritually and energetically this month, Sag. A new chapter awaits.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, Pluto ends its four-month retrograde in your sign on October 10 at 9:09 p.m. EST. Even though we’re in an eclipse month, the end of Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn will most likely be the highlight of the month for you, because this is Pluto’s final stretch in your sign for hundreds of years. You’re going through a rite of passage this month, and if in previous months you’ve been in hermit-mode, you’ll feel ready to emerge from your Capricorn cave and let the world see and feel your magic.

Eclipse season comes in strong starting the 14th. First the Libra Solar Eclipse ignites exciting new avenues in your career sector, which could lead to you impulsively leaving or starting a job. Then two weeks later, the Taurus Lunar Eclipse lights up your sector of fate, true love, and creativity, signaling an ending in that realm of your life. Give yourself time to mourn whatever ending you had to face at month’s end, and find closure. A vibrant new beginning is right around the corner.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, Libra Season can be very sweet to you, if you decide to get out of your own way and smell the roses rather than looking for trouble. And by trouble I mean, purposefully sabotaging relationships simply because you’re bored. With Venus entering Virgo on the 8th, you may initially want to shy away from having tougher conversations with friends, lovers, or collaborators, but it’s best to face the truth head-on during the first two weeks of the month, because once the Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse strikes on the 14th you may be blindsided by how quickly your relationship dynamics are change.

Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn on the 10th further accentuates your need for reflection, as it highlights your sector of closure and spirituality, reminding you that being present is a form of discipline that pays off for you in the long run. A mentor or VIP could present you with a life changing opportunity this month, but you have to be prepared for it to arrive. Use the days prior to the Taurus Lunar Eclipse on the 28th to strategize a game plan — visualize yourself already crossing the finish line.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, with Venus entering your opposite sign of Virgo this eclipse month, you’re likely to undergo your share of changes in your partnerships, so it’s best to not get too attached to a certain outcome. Instead, use Pluto’s shift direct in Capricorn on October 10th to connect with friends and community-members who can help you re-imagine what your most ideal lifestyle can feel like. Chances are, you’re not the only one who’s been dreaming of a better, more wholesome world, and with Saturn retrograde in your sign until November 4th, you have the power to tap into the unseen to bring that world to life this eclipse month.

Once the Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse strikes on October 14th, your sector of depth, merging, and outside resources is accentuated, and your ability to understand people’s true motives is also magnified. If anyone in your social circle previously doubted or underestimated you, these next six months will blow them away — you’ll tap into your resources and bring past dreams to life, largely due to the momentum garnered by this eclipse.

Two weeks later, the Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 28th directs your attention to the way you communicate, create, and connect with people. You may need to set a firm boundary if you’ve felt taken advantage of creatively or emotionally, and the combination of the lunar eclipse in Taurus and your ruler Jupiter in Taurus will help you do so with sternness, yet also with love.